Friday, May 25, 2012

BDJ Rendezvous: Believe. Dare. Become

Belle de Jour (or simply BDJ) is a planner made for the girls-on-the-go. Its fun and quirky design is suitable for all ladies looking for a planner that suits their needs. Also, upon the purchase of the planner, you are entitled to received a BDJ card, which serves as a pass for their exclusive events (sounds like a club, right?). The planner, aside from being a helping buddy for organizing your schedule, also has lots of coupons/vouchers that offers discounts, freebies and prizes. And what's so amazing is that the amount you'll save upon using the coupons is much greater than the amount of the planner itself! This one's really worth the money.

Last Saturday, May 19, 2012, they had a rendezvous which the theme was, "BDJ Rendezvous: Believe. Dare.Become".

Actually, I don't know anything about Belle de Jour. I was just browsing through Facebook when I came across their page. I was interested in their post so I "Like(d)" it. And upon creating my Twitter account, I followed theirs. And there I won invites! Yay!

The rendezvous is fun. I love the speakers especially Ms. Ginny Gonzales. She inspired me a lot! I like her personality, even if I only met her for the first time. I bet she's so fun to go with. So anyway, they have three speakers, which all shared their knowledge which I can say is really helpful. The talks really suits the theme.

They also conducted games, really fun games! Actually, I don't have any plan to join the game but my friend (new friend to be exact, which I met at the event) pulled me up and brought me to the front with her. Fortunately, we won! Actually, she made most of the effort (I'm a bad partner, hahaha). I thanked her after the game. 

What I love the most about the event? Nobody went home empty handed! I think everybody won the raffle. There are also booths there that gives rewards upon finishing the required task. Also, almost everybody who joined the games won prizes ( almost everybody joined the games, too). The goody bag is also loaded of freebies (more on discount coupons). I also met new friends (everyone is so nice there).

So here's what I've got:

So much freebies and prizes, right? Though my new friend, being super ( i mean super ) active, bought home much more prize (maybe two times of what I have? Hahaha.)

I also bought my very own Belle de Jour planner!

Sorry for the low quality of picture, xD
The event was really fun! Looking forward for the next event! :D

By the way, they released their 2013 Planner survey (limited time only and the first 500 will be entitled for freebies and raffle entries) : 

Follow them on:
           Campus BDJ - 

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