Friday, February 24, 2012

Tee Up Cream Puffs by Monde

When you hear the brand Monde, first thing that comes to your mind are their bread products that we have all tried. So here's another addition to their delicious food line: Tee Up Cream Puffs.

I just saw these when I was in the grocery with my mom. I always look for something new when we go to the grocery (they must be affordable though. hahaha.) So when I went to the biscuit's section, I spotted these snacks that looked cute (yes, I get easily attracted to cute-looking snacks.) so i grabbed them, both the two flavors. One is chocolate and the other is custard. I like more the chocolate one because its filling outstands compared to the custard, maybe because the snack itself is flavored custard. And oh, they come in a reasonable price. I just bought them for Php 10.50 each. Not bad for a snack. :))

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