Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finals Week is Here!

It's already late February. Graduation is getting near. Wait, I won't graduate now, i'm a third year student and is taking up a five-year course. But still, I can't believe it. I AM ALREADY AN INCOMING FOURTH YEAR STUDENT. Woah. It was like i just entered college a year ago. But that's not the point. FINAL EXAMS ARE COMING. Geeez. Good thing some professors are not giving final exams. Thanks to them. Less pressure. But for some?  Oh my. Some even gave assignments and projects to be submitted on the finals week. We will also be changing our school building (but it's more near in our house. YAY! Less transportation expense!). But it doesn't change the fact that this week will be hard. Tsss. But i'm happy that I always get high grades on the subjects that needs more focus (thanks God about that) though I sometimes get average grade on the minor subjects. Hahaha.
I know I can surpass this week. I just need some help from God and exert some effort. Everything will be fine in the end (I guess). :D

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