Tuesday, June 28, 2011

. . . And you will always be remembered.

Ever since I was a kid, I have a soft spot for dogs. I treat every dogs like they were my pet. That's the reason why we always have a pet of our own.

This is Minerva. We got her January this year. She's a cheerful dog. And i mean very cheerful. She always looks for attention. But in her size, it's not annoying. It's cute! Every morning, she goes to my bed and wakes me up with her kiss. Every time we're eating, she would watch us and won't move until we're done. When I arrive from school, she would greet me with a bark then cry (i guess that's her way of saying "i missed you").She's just so really sweet and I really like it when she's around.

Last June18, she passed away. She died because of asthma. It's too late before we knew because it's the first time we had a dog with such illness. But before she died, she got different diseases in one month (cold, sore eyes, cough). No wonder why she died.

But whether I like it or not, I have no choice. It's life. Everything that has breath will die. But one thing's for sure: we will never forget that once in our lives, we had such a nice dog that we will always remember.

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