Sunday, July 1, 2012

Candy Mag Got a New Look!

Another month has passed! It's too fast, don't you think? And since it's a new month, Candy released another issue.

It's got a new look! It's really pretty, isn't it? The colors and fonts are just so cute (and girly)! The inside pages are also on make-over (just buy your own if you wanna see :P ). Another reason to love this issue aside from the new look? The features! Some are about money (not to spend, but to save), gadgets (or anything related to the word hi-tech) and college (it's school season, obviously). These three are my favorite topics in a magazine. And to put them in one issue? Totally awesome!

Food for less. Yum!

Alibis to tell your parents when they think you're overstaying in the computer.Hahaha. No. Seriously.
They did have a transformation but the features and articles are as fun and quirky as before. Totally Candy.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog!! I follow you now with google friend connect!! Hope you'll do the same! :) I wait for you in my blog! Kisses!

