Monday, May 30, 2011

School is a week ahead!

After two months of boring summer vacation (it's boring cause i only stayed at home), i'll be back in school again. Yay! SCHOOL! Though this may sound terrifying, i must say it: I REALLY MISS MY SCHOOL. I miss those arm chairs, those white boards, black boards (ever wonder why they're called black?), funny professors, hard subjects, the long stairs, the tambayan comfort room, the relaxing ambiance of our so-called "forest", the sleepy atmosphere of our library, and most of all, the classmates - the one who makes my day complete (sorry, no crush :P)

For preparation, i already sorted the stuffs i might be using this semester. I already listed the things i might buy. But the most exciting part is when i look for shops to raid! I found some but unfortunately, they'll be found in different locations, not to mention, they're too far with each other.

I also started to think of my new "semester's resolution". Here are some:
Be THRIFTY. I'm really bad when it's comes in managing my money.
Be more creative. I'm losing my artistic side now. NO!!!
STUDY HARDER. I must help my self to remove those pasang-awa grades.
Handle my time more effectively. I need to manage it because it's important.

I really can't wait for the classes! Just thinking of it makes me sooooo excited! Hope everything will turn out nice!

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