Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Want Something Creepy? O.O

I've just read something so interesting yesterday. It caught my attention because it's not your ordinary "horror" story. It's not about haunted stuffs nor ghost or the dead. It's something about the living. The living dead. (Well, it's just my perception.). I can say this through the symbolism he used.
"Ang Mga Kaibigan ni Mama Susan" by Bob Ong
This book is a journal of a guy, Galo, the main character. This was just before an activity required by his professor. After he submitted his journal, he decided to continue doing it. Written here is his misadventures and later on, his creepy adventures. *spoiler alert*.
Ok, like what I have said, it's not your typical horror story. It's a comedy (some part made me laugh) / horror (intense horror if alone . haha.) / psychological (ermm. . . i don't know what made this one, but for me, it is.). At first, it's like he's just telling his everyday life; how he deals with school works, how his adoptive family treats him and how cruel his past is. He decided to return to his mother's province to take care of his weak and old granny which happens to be a leader of a kapatiran (brotherhood). This is where his suspense/horror/buwis-buhay adventures begin.
The story is left with an open-end and it's up to the reader how he will end the story (but some thinks there's still part two). This book just proves how great Bob Ong is. By the way, it is said that some of its part is true to life, which makes it more creepy and exciting. 

Something notable:
> Galo writes motherf*cker as madapakah, which i thought means tumble down. haha.
> I thought his name is Gilberto Manansalaaah which sounds funny. But it was just Manansala (his teacher is shouting that's why it's long. )
> I like how he insults n5110. haha.
> the symbolism he used gave me a very clear sight of what should be seen (i guess). i hope the others have noticed to.
> he included bible verse ( i didn't read them but i guess they're for salvation.)
> he just made the readers think most of the time. haha.
>It's Bob Ong's first horror(?) story and his book's first creampaper.

well, this is just so.. . AMAZING! It's a must-read! ;D

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