Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well, I guess it's enough.

Just like what i have mentioned from my previous post, i really like that Acer Aspire Happy 2. Instead of having that cute netbook, i was given something that got a higher specs. They bought me Lenovo s10-3s. They almost have the same specs except on their hard drive memory-- Aspire Happy 2 got only 250GB while Lenovo s10-3s got 320GB. Well I think it's a reason why I should love this thing. And oh, right now, Happy 2's price is Php 18,500. But my Lenovo s10-3s cost me only Php 15,900. I think it's price is reasonably good. Plus, I heard that Lenovo is a good brand.  I think I wont regret having this netbook.

I got mine in color black. It was the last stock so I got no choice. But I think it's ok. I love it's keyboard. They are so easy to use (I don't know what words should I use. They're just so amazing.) They are not like the other keyboards that are sticky. I also find the touchpad amusing. It only works if you use your bare hands. 

It comes with a built in Windows 7 Starter(but i hate the fact that it won't be able to change it's desktop background. >.< ). I also got my free 4GB flash drive and an Buffalo portable external DVD writer.  Their price together would be more or less Php 2,500 (that's what the salesman told us). 

All in all, I was satisfied with my Lenovo s10-3s. I should be practical in choosing my gadgets. It should be quality and price over style.

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